A company manager is any entity that carries out the "business of company management." The "business of company management" is defined in the Companies Management Act as "the provision of managerial services for profit or reward in or from within the islands, whereby a person is a director for or a shareholder of a company or when the control over the whole or substantial assets of the company is vested in the management company." Applications should follow the requirements set out in the Companies Management Regulations and the Companies Management (Amendment) Regulations. Based on these regulations, please refer to the following checklists to assist applicants:
REEFS is our online, automated portal for submissions of mandatory financial returns, change requests and new licence applications.
Please click the following link to visit the REEFS portal login webpage: https://reefs.cimaconnect.com
To request your REEFS Administrator account login information, please contact the Fiduciary Services Division at, ContactFiduciary@cima.ky.
Please note that this is only a summary of legal requirements. For additional detail please refer to the Companies Management Act which is also available in hard copy from the Legislative Assembly.
All Licensees (Trust and Company Managers):
must inform CIMA of changes in auditor, or change of name.
is carrying on or attempting to carry on business without keeping any or sufficient accounting records to allow its accounts to be property audited.
Note 1: All applications should be sent to:
Managing Director
Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
P.O Box 10052
Grand Cayman KY1-1001
Note 2:
Applicants should be aware that the Authority may require additional information to determine the application.
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