Basel II Training Videos
The following videos are designed to help you complete the Basel II and Quarterly Prudential Return forms and submit them via the E-Reporting submission system. Please click on the links below to open the vidoes. The videos will play in full screen mode once the file has loaded. To return to the embedded player from full screen mode, press the escape button (Esc) on the top left hand corner of your keyboard.
1.0 Basel II and QPR Reporting
- 1.1 Basel II Reporting - Sheets 001 Through 008
- 1.2 Basel II Reporting - Sheets 009 Through 018 and QPR Reporting - Sheets 050 Through 060
- 1.3 Cover Sheet - Sections A through C
- 1.4 Cover Sheet - Section D
2.0 Using E-Reporting: The Bank Reporting Submission Portal
- 2.1 User Management
- 2.2 Obtaining Filing Resources
- 2.3 Filing a Test Submission Against a Specific Requirement
- 2.4 Filing a Test Submission Against the Latest Requirement
- 2.5 Filing Live Submission
- 2.6 Review Historical Submissions
- 2.7 Reopen a Submission Requirement
- 2.8 Reopen a Submission After Manual Rejection of a Prior Filing
- 2.9 Tracking Errors and Warnings
- 2.10 Reporting a Problem