The deadline for notifying the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (the “Authority), of the appointment by a regulated fund of an Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer, Money Laundering Reporting Officer (“MLRO”) and Deputy MLRO (collectively the “AML Officers”), has been extended to December 31, 2018.
Each regulated fund is therefore, required to complete the requisite form for each appointee and submit it via the Authority’s REEFS portal1 by December 31, 2018.
Unregulated funds are reminded that they also have an obligation to appoint AML Officers and should have these appointments in place by December 31, 2018. However, unregulated funds are not at this point required to confirm such appointments to the Authority.
The Authority is currently collating the results of its consultation on the Guidance Notes on the Prevention and Detection of Money Laundering in the Cayman Islands and will in due course issue any necessary amendments.
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