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AML - CFT Reporting Requirements for Securities Investment Business Registrants

General Industry Notices
Date: Thu, 06 June 2019

In line with international standards for combating money laundering, terrorist financing, proliferation financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system, the Authority continues to enhance its processes to promote the effective implementation of AML/CFT related measures by persons registered under the SIBL (“SIBL registrants”). 

One of these enhancements is the introduction of AML/CFT reporting forms for completion by SIBL registrants. The information to be provided in these forms primarily relates to client/customer profiles, distribution channels, products and services as well as geographic location of the business and its clients/customers. This will enable the Authority to assess the ML/TF risks associated with the current operations undertaken by SIBL registrants.

The AML/CFT reporting forms will be available on the Regulatory Enhanced Electronic Forms Submission ("REEFS") platform shortly and are to be filed by every SIBL registrant, via its registered office, on or before 31 July 2019.

The Authority takes this opportunity to remind all SIBL registrants of their obligation under regulation 53A(2) of the Anti-Money Laundering (Amendment) Regulations, 2019 to produce such information as may be requested by the Authority in the exercise of its functions.

The guidance notes for the completion of the AML/CFT reporting forms will be available in REEFS at

The Authority thanks you in advance for your cooperation in continuing to ensure that the jurisdiction remains compliant with international AML/CFT standards. 


Securities Supervision Division

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